With an extensive pool of highly skilled and diverse work crews led by an internationally trained management team. Jewel Welding Pipe-Fab & Coatings is able to respond to all your pipeline welding needs including fabrication, spooling, lining, alloy welding and specialty-coatings.
We have a fabrication and coatings facility conveniently located along the Fraser River’s shoreline where we produce customized products for our clients. Specializing in both shop and field welding services, we have a significant mobile welding fleet which allows us to offer a complete end-to-end pipeline mechanical operation.
Through key planning of resources and concise scheduling, we have the ability to mobilize small diversified teams to multiple and varied work sites throughout Western Canada without affecting our ability to strategically pull together teams of larger combined units for more extensive and complex projects.
Our track record in delivering quality, timely services is recognized by the Province and communities as a whole. We are proud of our past achievements in meeting our customer’s needs and being able to support our customers in working through difficult project challenges.